Friday, December 27, 2019

What to Look for in a Real Christmas Tree

Dont select a Christmas tree until you make an inspection of the space the Christmas tree will be placed in your home. That will be a personal choice with some reminders. Your selected space should be as far away from heat sources and air ducts as possible. Take a  quick measurement of Christmas tree height and width for the spot you have selected. It is a real pain to deal with a holiday tree too big for the selected space. Now lets go shop for your next Christmas tree. Fresh Christmas Tree Shopping Tips Research different Christmas tree types and pick the species that fits your situation. Look over this guide to the 10 most favorite Christmas trees but remember that only a few of these will be available in your area.Take my introductory advice on where in the house to put the Christmas tree. Avoid spots close to heat sources like TVs, fireplaces, radiators and air ducts. Measure the height you have available to avoid modifying your too tall Christmas tree later. Find a holiday tree one foot shorter than your ceiling height.If you are cutting a Christmas tree, you know how fresh the tree is. But when you buy a pre-cut Christmas tree, the tree may have been cut weeks earlier. Always try and find your Christmas tree early and before the best trees have been sold. Delaying your cut Christmas tree purchase only increases its exposure to harmful elements. Dont be shy; ask the retailer how long his/her Christmas trees have been cut. You might also want to look into purchasing your tree onl ine,  where shipped trees are guaranteed cut fresh.Choose a fresh Christmas tree by looking for the greenest tree with the fewest brown needles. A problem here can be that many shipped-to-lot trees have been colored prior to shipping. With this in mind, remember that coloring is a common practice and will not negatively affect a trees freshness.Perform the drop test. Raise the Christmas tree a few inches and drop on its butt end. Green needles should not drop off. If they do, you have a tree with excessive drying and that may have been cut for some time. Some species have excellent needle retention so remember that when choosing a variety. A few inner brown needles from the trees annual shed will drop off so do not be concerned with this.The most important thing to remember is freshness when selecting a real Christmas tree. The needles should be resilient. Another important check is to take hold of a branch and lightly pull your hand toward you allowing the branch to slip through your fingers. Most, if not all, of the needles need to stay on the tree.Look for and avoid Christmas trees with a wilted or grayish blue-green look. Even with color added you can visually see wilt and desiccation. Look and feel for any unusual stiffness and brittleness of a trees limbs, twigs, and needles, all of which can be indications of an old tree.Always inspect the Christmas trees base. Make sure the handle (the first eight inches of butt) of the tree is relatively straight. This part of the tree is extremely important when securing the tree in a stand. Make sure removing any limbs attached to the handle wont hurt the tree shape.Always check a Christmas tree for insects and egg masses before bringing inside. Most retailers have shakers that remove debris from trees. In any event, make sure dead needles and trash are shaken out or blown from the tree.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Written Report for “July at the Multiplex” - 6160 Words

Written Report For â€Å"JULY AT THE MULTIPLEX† MEMORANDOM TO: Mr. Mull T. Plex and the Consortium FROM: Team 1 DATE: March 6, 2011 RE: Legal, Statistical, and Ethical Analysis of â€Å"July at the Multiplex† As per your request, we have arranged a report based on the incident that plaintiff, moviegoer Tommy, has filed a civil complaint about. This incident involved Tommy’s visit to the Royal 16 Theater, your property in the Eastfield Mall, intending to watch a movie, â€Å"The Governator.† This analysis examines the possibilities and outcomes of the possibilities in order to determine what the best option is for you. This analysis covers: * Facts of the Case * Legal Analysis * Statistical Analysis * Ethical Analysis†¦show more content†¦There is the issue of whether Royal 16 theaters committed fraudulent misrepresentation in not informing the moviegoers of the commercials that are played at the indicated movie start time before the actual movie starts. There is also the issue of whether the number of disgruntled moviegoers is larger or greater than 10%, which would determine whether or not there is great reason for the complaint. Lastly, there is an ethical issue of whether or not it is or is not ethical to play 20 minutes of commercials without informing moviegoers that they will be played. In order to evaluate these issues, our team has done several analysis’ to come to our conclusions. We have done a legal analysis of what fraudulentShow MoreRelatedEssay about July at the Multiplex3330 Words   |  14 PagesTheater’s liability for fraud assumed by the customer, Tommy. P lease contact us if any additional information is needed. July at the Multiplex Executive Summary What are the standards of selling a service or product so the customer will not get furious? If we tried out best but they are still unsatisfied, what kind of response should we give? 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The research Proposal Aims

Question: Produce a written submission demonstrating the skills involved in the process of defining, developing, conducting and reporting a research project and creating a research proposal. Answer: Introduction: This research proposal has tried to investigate the reason behind the issue that elite Pakistani footballers are not coming to play football within England. This proposal has intended to know the reason behind this. Many Pakistanis live within England. As discussed by Khondker (2008), there are lots of racism within the England. Mostly Asian communities have faced different situations within the game sector of England. On the other hand, Burdsey (2011) stated that, racism has played a role within the sector of football within England. It is the most complicated perspective that has affected the normal well being of the Pakistanis. England is one of the most developed countries of world. Therefore, most of the Asian countries are underdeveloped. There are several countries those are still developing the internal infrastructure of the country with the monetary or other type of help of developed country. This can be a common phenomenon of the developed countries to see the developing or poor country as their slaves or similar things. There are cultural differences between the habitants of the England or Pakistan. However, Kilvington (2013) stated that, football is the most popular game and it needs active participation of Young British Asian. Football needs motivation of players. Therefore, it has been witnessed that there is huge participation of Research aims: The aim of the research is to investigate the reason behind the non-participation of elite Pakistani footballers within England. Objective of the research: Research objectives are as follows: To investigate the nature of England football To analyze the tendency of Pakistani elite footballers of England To investigate the reason behind non-participation of the Pakistani elite footballers in the football sector of England To recommend the effective technique of attracting elite Pakistani footballers within the British football Questions of the research: Research questions are as follows: What is the nature of Pakistani footballers within England? What is the prior tendency of Pakistani elite footballers in England? What is the reason behind the non-participation of elite Pakistani footballers in England? What are the effective techniques of attracting elite Pakistani footballers within the British football? Literature review: This section of literature review discusses relevant concepts and theories of this particular research topic. In order to analyze this topic, the researcher has to take some relevant concept that is attached with this topic partially. Concept of Racism in England: As stated by Khondker (2008), racism is the critical issues within the society. It is a complex theoretical phenomenon to understand. Race has been distinguished by different researcher as a range of disciplines within different aspects of society. Race is still used by different politicians and other power structure as well as power institutions of the society. As discussed by Kerksick et al. (2008), race is the boundary between two people or two groups. Race can be considered as the boundaries between the people and group. Race can be distinguished as boundaries and differences of people of different aspects. Race is the process of social invention among people and the group of people. Process of using race is the critical element for disturbing the people and structure of the society. Often different countries distinguish a people or a group of people by their age, color of skin and sociological position within the society (Kilvington, 2013). Relation between racism and colonialism: In the seventeenth and eighteenth century, European had started to capture different poor countries of different regions of the world. They had started to make colonies within the countries of Asian region. In this situation, racism had started to explore within these countries. For this reason, British race had turned to the superior race rather than other people or otor the colonized people of different countries. British had become the superior race within the society as they had power, position and brighter skin also. Non-white other people had become poor race as well as lower race within the society. On the other hand, Bek (2010) stated that, Pakistanis often faces issues for their non-white skin or the Asian identity. Therefore, Pakistanis have been targeted for their race, caste and religion. People with Muslim religion have become the target of racism within the White people of England. Race has become a powerful weapon of the developed country like England in order to dominate over the people from Pakistan as well as other counties of the continent of Asia. The utilization of racism and race is very dangerous for the inhabitants of the country. Therefore, the bad utilization of racism while playing football is very dangerous and bad for maintaining the reputation of the country within the other regions of the country (Long et al. 2005). Islam phobia and football of England: However Donnelly et al. (1985) discussed that, there are relation between racism and Islam phobia within the grassroots level of football. Pakistani footballers often have experienced racial discrimination within the context of football. There are Islam phobia and serious issue of racism within the football sector of England. There are significant levels of racism within the grass root level of football within the gaming sector of England. On the other hand, Long et al. (1997) argued that, a new form of racism has evolved within the contemporary society among world. Racism has been involved in the psychology of the people. Therefore, racism has been involved in the cultural differences of the people. However, new framework of symbolic racism refers to the concepts of ethnicity and national identity of the people. Cultural clashes are very much related to the process of racism within the people of the country. There is multiple meaning for racism within the people of developing countries. On the other hand, Ratna (2007) stated that, Islam phobia has turned into the inconclusive, bland term and anti Muslimism within the people of the developed country as well as England, America etc. This Muslim phobia has led to the reason of non-participation of elite footballers in the football team of the England. Therefore, the Muslim phobia has led to some sort of isolation of the Pakistanis within the society of England. Racial discrimination has played a distinctive role within the sector of football of England. Research methodology: According to Bernard (2011), research methodology provides different types of tools or methods for systematically deal with the whole research. Methodology of research discusses different scientific techniques in order to deal the whole research with systemic and organized manner. Types of investigation: As discussed by Lancaster (2012), three types of research investigation refers to exploratory, hypothesis testing research and descriptive research. Exploratory research helps the researcher for providing detail information about the particular research topic, as the researcher has no clear idea about the particular research topic. Exploratory research design helps to provide an analytical view of the research. On the other hand, Brannen (2009) discussed that, hypothesis testing research refers to this type of type of research that helps the researcher to fix a hypothesis first in accordance with the particular research topic. Thereafter, the researcher develops the whole research with relevant models and theories as per the set hypothesis are concerned. Descriptive research study provides proper models and theories for discussing the whole research with descriptive viewpoint. For this research purpose, the researcher can take exploratory research study, as he /she have no clear idea about the models and theories of this particular research topic. Method of data collection: A researcher can take two type of data collection method in order to conduct the research with proper data and information. A researcher can take primary and secondary data collection method. Primary data is never published in any type of printed documents or journals. Primary data comes from different interviews, questionnaires, surveys etc (Cameron, 2009) On the other hand, secondary data refers to the published materials regarding the particular data. Secondary data mainly comes from the journals, books, blogs, websites etc. For this research study, the researcher will conduct primary data collection from some Pakistanis who live in England. Therefore, the researcher will conduct primary data collection process for investigating the issues of this particular research. Primary data will be more relevant and appropriate for conducting the whole research. The researcher will send postal questionnaires to the Pakistani inhabitants of England. Method of sampling: As stated by Freshwater (2010), a researcher can take two types of sample method for fixing the sample as per the requirements of the research. Probability and non-probability sample method are two important types of sample method those can be utilized in the research process. Probability sample method helps to randomly select the sample from the respondents of the research. On the other hand, non-probability sampling method does not provide the option to select the sample randomly from the respondents. For this research purpose, the researcher will take probability-sampling method in order to select the proper respondents for the research. The researcher has to know the Pakistani population of England. Therefore, the researcher will be able to select the sample from the respondents. The researcher will take the help of simple random technique of probability method in order to select the proper respondents in order to conduct the whole research process completely. Plan of data analysis: The researcher will collect primary data from the Pakistani habitants of England in order to know the reason of the particular research. However, Knox (2009) stated that, the data analysis plan is of two types; those are quantitative data analysis and qualitative data analysis. Quantitative technique of data analysis is very important and much relevant for properly conducting the research process. Qualitative data analysis technique helps to analyze the research data by descriptive manner. Therefore, quantitative analysis is much relevant and important for dealing with the particular research. Therefore, for this research purpose, the researcher will conduct the data analysis process with the help of quantitative data analysis technique by using SPSS software. The researcher will present the analysis and findings in Microsoft excel sheet. Accessibility issues: As stated by (), a researcher has to face some accessibility issues while gathering data for the research. A researcher often faces accessibility issues from the perspective of the respondents. Mainly for this case, the researcher can face difficulties in order to find Pakistani habitants within England. The researcher will also face problems in order to understand which Pakistani family has the experiences in playing football. Ethical issues: In order to conduct the research process, a researcher can face ethical issues in order to complete the whole process of the research. The researcher has to follow the guidelines of Data Protection Act of 1998 in order to maintain the privacy of the information or the data that has been collected by the researcher from the respondents. Therefore, the researcher should not publish the data in any type of books, journals or any materials. The researcher should always maintain the privacy of the data and the respondents. The researcher has to take prior concerns of the respondents. Structure of the proposed research: Main research project will contain five chapters. First chapter will include introduction, aims, objectives, questions of the research. Second chapter will contain literature review, conceptual framework of the research. Third chapter will contain research methodology, data collection process, sampling and time horizon of the research project. Fourth chapter will contain the findings of the data and the analysis of the data. Fifth chapter will contain conclusion and further recommendation of the research. Time horizon: Main activities/ stages Month February Month March Month April Month May Month June Month July Topic Selection Data collection from secondary sources Framing layout of the research Literature review Formation of the research Plan Selection of the Appropriate Research Techniques Primary data collection Analysis Interpretation of Data Collection Conclusion of the Study Formation of Rough Draft Submission of Final Work Table 1: Time horizon of the research Source: As created by author Reference lists Bernard, H. R. (2011) Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. 5th ed. Plymouth: Alta Mira Press. Lancaster, G. (2012) Research Methods in Management, 4th ed. Oxford: Elsevier. Brannen, J. (2009) Prologue, mixed methods for novice researchers: reflections and themes, International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 3(1), 812. Cameron, R. (2009) 'A sequential mixed model research design: design, analytical and display issues', International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 3(2), 140-152. Freshwater, D. (2010) Reading mixed methods research: contexts for criticism, Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1(2), pp. 134-46. Knox, K. (2009) A researchers dilemma: Philosophical and methodological pluralism, Electronic journal of business research methods, 2(2), pp. 119- 128. Khondker, H. H. (2008). Cricket, colonialism, culture, and cosmopolitanism.Departement of sociology, National University of Singapore. Kerksick, C., Harvey, T., Stout, J., Campbell, B., Wilborn, C., Kreider, R., ... Antonio12, J. (2008). Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition,5, 17. Kilvington, D. (2013). British Asians, Covert Racism and Exclusion in English Professional Football.Culture Unbound. Bek, L. (2010).Cultural constructions of the Isle of Wight: perception, creation and consumption: Identifying factors which specifically contributed towards cultural constructions of the Isle of Wight with specific reference to the period 1750-1900(Doctoral dissertation, Southampton Solent University [Validated by Nottingham Trent University]). Long, J., Robinson, P., Spracklen, K. (2005). Promoting racial equality within sports organizations.Journal of Sport Social Issues,29(1), 41-59. Donnelly, P., Young, K. M. (1985). Reproduction and transformation of cultural forms in sport a contextual analysis of rugby.International Review for the Sociology of Sport,20(1-2), 19-38. Long, J., Carrington, B., Spracklen, K. (1997). 'Asians cannot wear turbans in the scrum': explorations of racist discourse within professional rugby league.Leisure Studies,16(4), 249-259. Ratna, A. (2007). A Fair Game? British-Asian Females Experiences of Racism in Womens Football.Women, Football and Europe: Histories, Equity and Experiences, 69-88. Burdsey, D. (2011). That joke isn't funny anymore: Racial microaggressions, color-blind ideology and the mitigation of racism in English men's first-class cricket.Sociology of Sport Journal,28(3), 261-283.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

World Lit 1 - Comparing Protagonists an Example of the Topic Literature Essays by

World Lit 1 - Comparing Protagonists Homers hero in The Odyssey Odysseus as well as Miguel de Cervantes Don Quixote hero - Don Quixote - share certain characteristics based on their actions in the 2 novels. For example, the two protagonists demonstrate similar heroic traits, such as; both are courageous and excellent fighters. The 2 protagonists also face similar sad adventures, for instance, they are both unjustly persecuted by their enemies. Further, the two encounter entities that are in love with them although the 2 protagonists do not reciprocate to such love. The 2 heroes also depict notable differences regarding various personal aspects. Regarding their respective values, some of Don Quixotes values conflict with those of his community. To illustrate, Don Quixotes unbecoming behavior makes his compatriots angry. On the other hand, Odysseus actions and viewpoints do not conflict with those of his culture. Another difference between the 2 protagonists is that while Odysseus sets out on his voyage in order to achi eve common good for the entire society, Don Quixote aspires to attain personal gratification and praise. All in all, through their 2 novels namely, Don Quixote and The Odyssey, authors Cervantes and Homer depict their 2 protagonists - Don Quixote and Odysseus - as heroes who share similarities besides demonstrating several notable dissimilarities. Need essay sample on "World Lit 1 - Comparing Protagonists" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed For example, both Odysseus and Don Quixote are courageous based on their brave acts. To demonstrate, Don Quixote sacrifices personal comfort, shelter, and food on behalf of a lady called Dulcinea Del Toboso, thus demonstrating his courage. To demonstrate his intense love for Toboso, Don Quixote states that she is as good as the greatest princess in the land (De Cervantes, 2006). Similarly, Odysseus gallantly participates in the war that helps to vanquish Troy, thus depicting his extreme courage. The passage royal son of Laertes, Odysseus, man of exploits, still eager to leave at once and hurry back to your own home, your beloved native land denotes Odysseus gallantry (Parks, 1994). Further, regarding misadventures, Odysseus resembles Don Quixote in that both are unfairly victimized by their foes. For example, the sea god - Poseidon - maliciously wrecks Odysseus sea vessel in order to settle an old grudge. Similarly, the Duchess and the Duke join efforts to cause trouble to Don Quixote, for example, by tricking him to go on an unnecessary voyage of hunting a fictitious vengeful giant that has supposedly mistreated a local princess. The Dukes remarks that he invent(s) false information are enough testimony to his (the Dukes) treachery (Parks, 1994). In addition, both Don Quixote and Odysseus are loved by personalities with whom the 2 heroes are not in love. To illustrate, a young girl resident at the home of the Duchess is smitten by Don Quixote who does not however demonstrate adequate seriousness regarding the affair. Likewise, Odysseus is deeply loved by Calypso - a nymph - but Odysseus does not love the nymph back. His serious stance, as is illustrated in his statement that people ought not to practice childish things, might explain his resistance to Calypsos love overtures (De Cervantes, 2006). Conversely, the effects of the 2 heroes values on their respective communities are different. For instance, Odysseus benevolent values are appreciated by the community, as is evident through the decisions of some of his compatriots to help him to kill the suitors who taunt him as well as Penelope - his wife. Conversely, Don Quixotes unacceptable acts, such as stealing from and harming local people, do not go down well with his compatriots who demonstrate fury towards him. Moreover, Don Quixote seeks for personal fame whereas Odysseus intends to benevolently benefit the entire community. In conclusion, Odysseys Odysseus and Don Quixotes Don Quixote are heroes with similar traits such as courage. Further, they face similar adventures such as being loved and not reciprocating such love as well as being persecuted by their foes. Regarding differences, while Don Quixote desires to be praised by his compatriots, Odysseus intends to assists the community without desiring fame. Moreover, whereas Odysseus acts are appreciated by his society, some of Don Quixotes unbecoming acts are frowned upon by his compatriots. References De Cervantes, Miguel. (2006). Don Quixote. Madison Square, NY: Collector's Library, Parks, Andrew J. (1994). Homer's the odyssey. Warsaw, Poland: Research & Education Association.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Knowledge Strategy Report from the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery In Search for a Proper Management Strategy

Defining the right knowledge management is never easy, for the search of the perfect means of distributing information, which, one must admit, is quite unrealistic even once the most recent technological advances are deployed to analyze both the inside and outside factors.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Knowledge Strategy Report from the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery: In Search for a Proper Management Strategy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Developing the right approach towards the knowledge creation, acquisition, distribution and processing, however, is still vital for an organization’s proper functioning, which the example of the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery shows graphically. According to the recent research, in the light of the on-coming knowledge audit, the gallery faces a threat of failing at providing the proper facts related to the cultural and industrial aspects of the organization’s life. However, with the proper evaluation of the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery’s assets, one can possibly define the optimum knowledge management strategy for the gallery to follow. The desired outcomes of the specified strategy presuppose the improvement of the relationships within the organization in the first place. According to what the research says, the employees prefer treating each other with suspicion and, therefore, do not trust their colleagues with the specifics of their pieces of work, as well as the individual tacit and explicit knowledge, which they acquire in the process of handling their own tasks. As a result, there is a considerable lack of cohesion between the actions of the employees, which is triggered by the lack of essential information concerning a certain aspect of the work. Hence, it seems that the most desirable outcome of the knowledge management strategy, which is going to be implemented, is an increased transparency of the organizational information and , consequently, the overall informational transparency within the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery as the guiding principle of the organizational culture. In addition, it is anticipated that, after a series of changes within the organizational environment in Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery, the production processes are going to be improved a notch, which will, in turn, lead to greater incomes and better productivity.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When thinking of the proper knowledge strategy that can possibly be recommended in the given case, one must keep in mind that not only external, but also internal factors are to be taken into consideration, since the lack of efficacy in sharing knowledge obviously stems not from the intrigues of the rival companies, but from the tension within the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery. Therefore, it will be required to incorporate the strategy that can help bring the company together, re-establishing corporate values, reorganizing the principles of knowledge management process and, thus, reinventing the frame of mind of Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery employees. With that in mind, it would be a good idea to consider the knowledge management strategies that aim at bringing the mini-society of employees together. For the given purpose, such strategy as KM Road Map may be considered. There is no secret that all existing knowledge management strategies that have been created by now include four major stages, i.e., knowledge acquisition, capture and/or creation, and sharing (Dalkir). Nevertheless, KM strategies differ according to their focus. According to the existing nomenclature, knowledge audit that has already been conducted can be considered only the basic check for the inconsistencies within the organization, while the KM strategies with the focus on the organizational behavior and corporate culture will be required further on. At present, it seems that the KM Road Map will be the optimum solution for the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery at present. According to the existing descriptions, the given strategy is known as the tool that helps â€Å"cover a three- to five-year period, outlining the key priorities for each year† (Dalkir 257). Therefore, the given KM strategy will allow for a better understanding of the organization’s priorities, thus, making it clear where the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery went wrong with its actions towards shaping the organizational management. While the chosen knowledge management strategy will help with the issues within the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery, it will also solve the current business problems, since, according to experts, it answers such question as â€Å"How will the organization manage its knowledge better for the benefit of the business?† (Dalkir 257).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Knowledge Strategy Report from the Ting Sha o Kuang Art Gallery: In Search for a Proper Management Strategy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More That being said, one must admit that the choice of the knowledge management strategy for the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery depends on a variety of factors, starting with the specifics of the corporate culture, which needs proper definition at present, up to the specifics of its body, i.e., the mechanics of the processes within the gallery, which take place on the organizational level. In the light of the current organizational strategy, however, a more transparent strategy of knowledge management can be advised. Once every single bit of information will be accessible to every single employee in the gallery, it can be expected that the knowledge distribution will be more efficient and, therefore, the production processes within the gallery will be improved. Based on the outcomes of the recently completed knowledge audit, the given strategy is bound to fix the issues concerning the knowledge sharing process within the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery. It is important that, according to the results of the knowledge management audit, the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery needs create a database for storing the information concerning the exhibits, as well as the rest of the data concerning the organization. It is important to keep in mind, however, that the creation of a database alone will not solve the problem; without the introduction of a specific system of knowledge sharing, the given proves will never be conducted properly and, therefore, the current knowledge management system will fail once again. The creation of database and, therefore, the implementation of the KM Road Map strategy is bound to fix the issue concerning the knowledge sharing problem by making the processes within the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery more transparent and, hence, providing better knowledge sharing opportunities. Once the database where the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery information is going to be stored has been created, it will be required to provide free and easy access to the database for every single employee. By making such changes, the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery will be able to obtain the necessary information without the need to consult any other sources.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The benefits of the KM Road Map strategy also concern the sphere of interpersonal relationships within an organization, which is especially important for the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery in the light of the recent audit results, which have shown that the organization lacks cohesion between the work of its departments and trust between its employees. While the creation of databases will provide a temporary solution by offering the employees a way to acquire information directly from its source, the introduction of a completely new idea of knowledge sharing that will be based on mutual trust, as well as the creation of new corporate values and company culture, will shape the organizational behavior of the employees, thus, making the atmosphere in the workplace less tense. With the help of the KM Road Map, one will be able to develop the management plan that will last for at least a year, which is especially important for the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery, since the latter has been showin g the signs of instability since recently, according of the report. Judging by the aforementioned, the objectives of the chosen KM strategy can be split into two major categories, i.e., the change of the corporate climate and the improvement of knowledge acquisition, processing and application scheme. Taking a closer look at the specifics of the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery and the way in which its elements interact, one can come to the conclusion that the following objectives must be achieved for the key strategy implementation: Improving the corporate climate: Informing the employees on the upcoming changes in the company’s policy on information and knowledge management process; Providing the necessary training for the employees to be able to handle the new databases and operate within the new knowledge management system successfully; Defining the roles that each member of the company is going to play in the new knowledge management process; Stressing the significance of th e community priorities by transforming the individual tacit knowledge into community explicit knowledge; Introducing new corporate culture standards and a new model of organizational behavior based on transparency and mutual trust. Enhancing efficient knowledge distribution and sharing: Creating a database where the key information is going to be stored; Allowing the access to the database only to the trusted members of the company; Changing the assigned supervisors of the database information in a specified period (e.g., every two months); Updating the information regularly so that the data concerning the most recent paintings should be available; Including the resources for sales representatives into the database; Splitting the information in the database according to the styles of the artworks, the authors of the paintings, the time slot on which the artwork was created, etc. for better information management; Specifying the categories of styles, including the postwar art, mode rnist art, contemporary art, etc. It can be concluded that the chosen KM Road Map strategy will prove efficient after several months of its application. The choice of the period is predetermined by the scale of the changes that need to be made for the strategy to be applied. It is necessary to keep in mind that the introduction of new knowledge management strategy and the creation of a database will require specific software, reorganization of the existing information, its classification and conversion into digital data, etc. However, once the strategy starts working, the attitude of the employees is bound to change, which, in its turn, will result in a massive surge of performance efficiency. Works Cited Dalkir, Kimiz. Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice. New York, NY: Elsevier Butterworth–Heinemann, 2005. Print. This essay on Knowledge Strategy Report from the Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery: In Search for a Proper Management Strategy was written and submitted by user Zeke Beasley to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019


THREE MAIN CHARACTER TRAITS IN essays There are three main ideas in the novel named The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, which will be discussed. One main point is the use of authority and how it affected the people of Salem, Massachusetts. Leading into the hypocrisy that was displayed by the people of higher authority. The people who were judged by the higher authorities showed courage. First, lets see how the use of authority played out. The use of authority in THE CRUCIBLE was very obvious and direct at times. One example of this is when Reverend Parris uses his authority to obtain material things like golden candle sticks and firewood. He also tries to obtain the deed to the house that was provided for the reverends by the towns people. Danforth is another character who used their authority wrongfully. When he was trying to get a name for a witness out of Giles Corey he said he would hold him in contempt of court and he threatened him with jail time. Giles replied by saying it was a hearing and he could not do that. Danforth then replied sternly stating, Oh it is a proper lawyer! Do you wish me to declare the court now in full session here? Or will you give me a good reply (pg. 90)? As a result the overuse of authority leads them to hypocrisy. Another main idea of THE CRUCIBLE is hypocrisy. It starts when Danforth says to John Proctor, We burn a hot fire here; it melts down all concealment (pg 83). By saying this Danforth meant he was going to find the truth no matter what, even if someone was trying to hide it from him. This gives the idea threat Danforth was going to lead a very honest court room and was going to judge people fairly. This was not the case by the end of the story though. Instead of keeping things fair and just Danforth makes the following statement, I will not receive a single plea for pardon or postponement. Them that will not confess will han ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

N2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

N2 - Assignment Example The skills and talents can be honed and developed to contribute to the care of the patient, while the personality of the person has to be taken into account when making decisions of a person’s role in patient care to maximize the good that person can do. The job factor is all about finding the right task for the right people. It means matching up jobs that require certain skill to someone proficient in that skill. It makes the job easier and more effective for everyone. To do this, one must know about the person taking care of the patient as well as the patient himself/herself. Fitting the job to a person’s strengths is not just a matter of making it easier. It is a wise use of resources which would be invaluable, especially in a hospital where lives are at stake. The organization is the interactions and the standards set between the health care staff. It is composed of the health and safety culture, the leadership system, and the communications of the health care providers. This is important because even if the right people are available for the right jobs, a lack of coordination from the organization could undo such advantages. Taken as a whole, The field of Human Factors are variables that define the relationships between people, work, and the systems governing them in a specific area (Carstens, 2005, p. 83). The effective manipulation of these factors in a hospital setting is matters of life and death, thus are sound candidates for careful scrutiny and application. In the medical-surgical setting, we can see many instances where human factors contribute to the welfare of patients. Sadly, mistakes are unavoidable, and it is here where we find the limits of the human factors, as well as areas to find improvement. Surgical practice is one of the best situations wherein human factors are apparent, and the effects are immediately appreciable. The